Sunday, 3 April 2016

Connecting Essay 4

Internet Photograph

In this fashion piece of photography, the photographer has captured this shot using minimum depth of field, where the subject is a lot more sharper than the surroundings. The background is extremely blurred to enhance the outline of the model, allowing her to be the focal point in the composition. There is a red theme with the models hair and skirt, which contrasts effectively with her black tights, top, jacket and sunglasses. The model in this shot looks extremely hip and outgoing, portrayed through her outfit choice. Not everyone chooses to wear patterned clothing because it stands out more than a neutral piece of clothing, this could therefore have the connotation of the woman having a confident personality. I like that only one piece of her clothing conveys the pattern, otherwise the frame could have become cluttered with a larger quantity of pattern found in her other pieces of clothing. The colour in this piece isn't saturated as much as you'd expect red to be, which makes the photograph appear more edgy and punk instead of bright and fluffy, complimenting her outfit. 

My Photograph

This is a photograph of mine that I captured during my exam, where I carried out a fashion shoot advertising stylish outfits filled with intricate and abstract patterns. I took a shot of Danielle and multiplied it to create two versions of the same image in one frame, the left side consisting of colour and the right side consisting of black and white. I chose to do this because I wanted to make the overall photograph more edgy and complete. The contrast of these two images also works extremely well together when side by side as the picture with colour looks as though Spring is approaching whilst the black and white version doesn't suggest any season with its colour connotations as there is an absence of colour. These two different pieces convey the differences in an image including colour and an image without, as it is extremely important for items of clothing to be photographed with their realistic colour in order for someone to purchase the product. Whilst the black and white picture looks more sophisticated and "cool", the colour version is more accurate and successful as an advertisement. The pattern that is found in these photographs is featured in Danielle's dress of a floral print with blues and whites contrasting effectively with the green grass in the left picture and complimenting the black and white grass in the right picture.

The Connection

When connecting the two of these photographs together, it is evident that there is a large quantity of similarities. In the Internet photograph, the pattern is found in the models skirt, whilst in my photograph the pattern is found in the whole dress. Both items of clothing are flowy and above the knee, allowing for slight leg space in the bottom half of the frame. The models in both photographs are wearing sunglasses, as it adds that extra edge to their appearance and suggests warm weather; more so autumn in the Internet photograph and spring in my photograph. In both photographs, the models have their hair styled to finish off their outfit, along with a piece of jewellery; this being a necklace. The background is blurred in both photographs to allow the model to stand out against the surroundings, as the patterns are found in the clothes they're wearing.

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